Imagine how much you could accomplish if you saved time in the kitchen. Grab this offer and discover a tasty side you can whip up in a jiffy.
Not a fan of quick food solutions? Check out other exciting free samples lined up for you
Enjoy mealtime as fast as 1-2-3 by
claiming this offer for a free 90-Second Rice from Lundberg! Save time with the ready-to-heat rice, perfect on busy or lazy days. Enter your mobile number and purchase one pouch at Meijer. Text a photo of your receipt and receive reimbursement for the cost of one pouch via Venmo or PayPal.
Save time without compromising on taste. Click
here to claim your free 90-Second Rice from Lundberg!
Savvy Star Rating: 4/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Lundberg has been in business since 1937!
- This is offered directly from Lundberg.
- Enter your mobile number and purchaser at Meijer to claim this offer.
- This Savvy Sample will reimburse you the cost of one 8 oz pouch only.
- This offer can let you enjoy rice without the trouble of cooking!