5 Ways That April Showers Can Save You BIG!

Blog | April 22nd, 2022


We’ve heard the age-old saying, “April showers bring May flowers“. While that’s true, those showers have many other uses beyond pretty plants. The way we use our raindrops can affect a lot including finances and well-being along with how well our neighbors flourish. Some parts of the country live with a water share system while other parts have an abundance of rain. We can all be comfortable, healthy, and happy when we join forces to value those blessings raining down from the sky. While there are likely hundreds of ways to save water, we can focus on five ways, inside and out, to conserve our precious April showers while saving big!

Starting With the Outside

Obviously, rain originates on the outside so what we do from there will make a world of difference! Here are some ways to stretch those raindrops and your dollars to their maximum capacity!


Recycle water collected in outdoor places and containers to nourish plants sheltered from the rain. Just be sure to use the water before it becomes home to mosquitoes and other pests.

Save water used during cooking to give outdoor flowers, shrubs, and gardens a nutrient-filled boost.

Give indoor plants a shower 

When rain is on the way, sit buckets and potted plants outdoors if the weather temps and wind permit. This will save you time and money with free water and less work. 

Get an early start 

Extend spring’s dew drops by watering your inground plants early in the morning. Reap the benefits of nature’s showers by preventing evaporation and burnt foliage from later day high heat. Also, water soil at the base of the plant first to ensure the water reaches the roots to receive proper hydration. 

Quench the thirst

Spread April’s gift by using a watering can or hose sprayer rather than a sprinkler. This too will reach the roots rather than just misting the leaves resulting in a hearty bounty and beautiful showplace!

Moving Indoors 

When conserving and stretching water, don’t forget about the different ways it’s used inside your home. The goal is the same no matter where the April savings take place!

Minimize use

Take a shower instead of a bath and definitely don’t do both! Time can slip away, so set a timer as a reminder of how long the water has been running. Each time you bathe, try to clock in at a faster speed and set a new record for saving!

Turn off the water!

Never let the water run unless you are actually using it. This applies to brushing your teeth, washing fruits and veggies, bathing your pet, washing your car, or anything that could waste precious April showers! You’ll save gallons with a simple turn of the faucet!

Wear it again!

When possible, wear your clothes more than once before washing. There’s no need to prematurely toss clean clothes in the hamper. When you wear an outfit for an hour or so, hang it back up. Of course, hot summer days will mean sweaty jobs and adventures so use the cooler seasons, like April, to save water and money while adding longer life to clothes and washing machines. 

Fill it up!

Use your dishwasher and washing machine only when you have a full load. There may be an exception if your washing machine has settings for small loads. Just make sure it’s a full load whatever the size. You can always add more but you can’t take away when overestimating water usage. 

Out with the old, in with the efficient!

Replace less expensive items like showerheads and faucets for a water-saving, energy-efficient option that uses less water. When starting new, do the same with larger appliances. You’ll begin to conserve immediately and the season’s savings will eventually be passed on to your budget.

April comes bearing gifts of both beauty and necessity. Accept graciously by using it wisely!