7 Creative Outdoor Workouts To Enjoy the Crisp September Air

Blog | September 14th, 2023

As the air grows crisper and the leaves begin to show their first signs of autumnal transformation, it’s the perfect time to step out of the gym and into nature for a workout. 

September brings cooler temperatures, making it easier to push your limits without the sweltering summer heat bearing down on you. Outdoor areas like parks and trails are also generally less crowded this time of year, allowing you to enjoy the fall splendor in relative peace.

If you’re ready to enjoy nature while getting fit, we’ve created a list of seven creative outdoor workouts made better by the arrival of autumn.

Rock Climbing

Who needs a stairstepper when you can challenge yourself on actual cliffs and boulders? 

Climbing is a mentally stimulating sport combining strength training and cardio. You’ll work every muscle as you stretch and swing your body from crevice to crevice, all while putting your problem-solving and spatial reasoning skills to the text. 

If you’re new to rock climbing, download the MyClimb app for iOS and Android to access tips and training exercises from experts. It also has features for logging your progress and connecting with other climbers in your area. 

Yoga in the Park

There’s no better setting for practicing sun salutations and mountain poses than surrounded by their namesake natural features. 

Whether you bring your mat out to the porch or find a peaceful spot in the park, doing a yoga session in the fresh air can bring you a more profound sense of balance and connection with the world around you. 

If you prefer guided practice outside the studio, the Amanda Outside YouTube channel has a 10-30 Minute Outdoor Yoga Classes playlist that you might find helpful. 

Outdoor Circuit Training

Local playgrounds are a natural choice for outdoor circuit training, as they offer plenty of equipment to inspiral your intervals. Try using park benches for tricep dips, monkey bars for pull-ups, and hopscotch courts for agility drills. 

For an extra challenge, place your feet in a swing seat for inclined pushups or head to the climbing wall for an upper body burn you’ll feel in the morning. Once you’ve loosened up, head out to an open area for sprints before a quiet cool-down session under the bright blue sky. 


September may be too chilly for a swim, but that doesn’t mean you’ve got to stay out of the water. 

Kayaking can be a refreshing, low-impact upper body and core workout thanks to the repetitive motions that help build muscle strength through your back, shoulder, arms, and abdomen.

Depending on where you live, taking your kayak out is also an opportunity to get to know some local wildlife. Check out the Birdwatching HQ website for their American water bird identification resource, including the ranges and calls of 30 feathered friends you might encounter on your travels.

Scavenger Hunt and Cycle

When did you last take a few hours to enjoy all of the natural splendor your neighborhood and trails have to offer? 

This September, take your bike out for a spin through nature while keeping your eyes peeled for some of the local flora and fauna that emerge in autumn. 

Start by researching natural items you will likely spot around your area. Then, save your scavenger list to your phone and set up a handlebar mount for easy access. Happy hunting!

Beach Volleyball

You might think the shoreline is a no-go for breaking a sweat in September, but a game of beach volleyball lets you enjoy the salty spray and sea breeze with no swimsuit required. 

The sand creates more resistance than your typical workout surface as you make even the most basic motions, like jumping or running. You’ll get a more intense cardio routine while you’re too wrapped up in the game to notice. 

Some beaches take down their volleyball nets when nippier weather settles in for the fall, but you can find an inexpensive, portable set from Park & Sun

Geocaching Hike 

Like the cycling scavenger hunt, a geocaching hike involves searching for treasures outdoors, but this activity adds a fun, techy twist. 

You’ll need to download the Geocaching app on iOS or Android to get started. Doing so will give you access to the coordinates for any caches near your location and how difficult it is to hike there. 

You’ll also need to bring some little treasures to replace the ones you find. You can order trinkets like mini resin figures, keychains, beads, or tiny crystals and keep them in your hiking pack so you’re always prepared to refill caches while adventuring. 

How Will You Work Out This September?

We tend to hide indoors once cooler weather arrives, hunkering down in preparation for the biting winds of winter. 

However, with these creative outdoor workouts, you can bask in the beauty of autumn while exploring new ways to stay fit and have fun while doing it.

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