Claim Your FREE PC Game ‘Call of the Sea’!

Samples | March 10th, 2023


Savvy Sample: Free PC Game “Call of the Sea”
Region: Epic Games is based in Cary, North Carolina.
How to Claim: Download the free game to your PC anytime before March 16, 2023.
Bonus Info: Find even more adventure by grabbing a free copy of Destiny 2 from Epic Games as well!

If the sea is calling to you, but you don’t have a boat, grab your lifejacket and head over to your computer. You can experience all kinds of adventure (yes, there are boats) in this free “Call of the Sea” PC Game.

Those of you who get seasick easily — even when playing video games — can stick to all the free samples available on shore by clicking here.

Adventure is right at your fingertips. You’re just a click away from claiming this offer for a free ‘Call of the Sea’ PC Game by Epic Games! Just follow the steps to download the free game to your PC. The offer for a free download will be going on through March 16, 2023, so be sure to hop on this great free adventure now.

Who knows what adventures you can get into? Click here to claim your free copy of ‘Call of the Sea’ PC Game by Epic Games

Savvy Star Rating for Game Lovers: 4/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Epic Games has been in business since 1991! 
  • This is offered directly from Epic Games. 
  • Download the free game to claim this offer.  
  • This Savvy Sample is available through March 16, 2023. 
  • This offer can bring a sense of adventure right to your PC! 

*Price and availability subject to changes by vendor.