Want to wow your kids with the PB&Js you make this summer? You can’t go wrong by turning to a delicious spread that has “wow” right in the name.
If you’re sticking to traditional peanut butter spread, see what other new offers are available
Don’t worry about peanut allergies, only taste. Enjoy the best of nut butter spread by
claiming this offer for a free Wowbutter Spread Sample! To claim this tasty sample, follow the steps to receive the current sample promo code. Enter the code into the form with the rest of your info to have your free sample mailed to you.
Give your sandwiches that “wow” factor. Click
here to claim your free Wowbutter Spread Sample!
Savvy Star Rating: 4/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Wowbutter has been in business for over 20 years!
- This is offered directly from Wowbutter.
- Receive the code and fill out the form to claim this offer.
- This Savvy Sample is available one per household.
- This offer can take your summer PB&J sandwiches to the next level!