Holiday Hacks That Will Save Your Sanity

Blog | December 13th, 2022


We can always hope for peace on earth and cozy home atmospheres but in the blink of an eye, the abundance of merriment and holly jolly festivities can turn into hectic stress. We can dream of sugar plums and white Christmases or we can dream up and put into action some holiday hacks that will truly save our sanity during the holidays! So, from us to you, here is the gift to spark ideas that will put more calm into your Christmas!

Quality Over Quantity

Slow down, take a deep breath and focus on activities that bring out the depths of the Christmas feeling. If going to the tree lighting, a sleigh ride and a cozy cup of festive coffee make your spirits bright, do those and enjoy them! But if chopping down your own tree only sounds magical but in reality is more work than fun, resulting in aching muscles, leave that one off! Zero in on what makes the holidays special for you and your family and strike the rest off of your busy list.

Buy Less, Save More

Having a giving heart is a treasure and a large part of the true meaning of Christmas. But don’t get bogged down in overspending, impulse buying, and going into debt. Make your list, check it more than twice and give friends and family less in quantity and more in meaning. Recipients will be relieved when they don’t have to stand in return lines and can focus on the true treasure received. Then, when your bank statements and credit cards come due in January, you will enjoy financial relief which will be a gift to yourself!

Prep Ahead

As the big day draws near, don’t let its joy slip away along with your sanity! Prepare any and everything you can ahead of time. Check out recipes that can be frozen and popped in the oven on the day of. Set the table days ahead and enjoy it before the whole crew arrives and its glory suddenly becomes a distant memory. If the kids are grown, spread out the stocking stuffing by dropping in a treasure all month rather than waiting until Christmas Eve. All things done ahead will give you a chance to truly immerse and enjoy the reason for the season!

Everyone Contributes

With a little help from friends and family, you will get to try a variety of unique food items, plus all of the work and expense isn’t on one person. When you aren’t overwhelmed, you’ll have more time to spare along with the desire to get creative and actually enjoy cooking and baking! Just be sure to designate at least by category so you don’t wind up with a table full of desserts. Although that wouldn’t be all that bad, would it? 🙂

Have a Ball

Instead of buying and wrapping bundles of gifts, especially when entertaining, do the giving in a Saran Wrap ball! Each person contributes a designated amount of affordable items, depending on the number of guests. The smaller in size, the better. The host places one item in the center, preferably the most sought-after gift. From there, begin to wrap until all gifts are secure within the ball. The host can also be the clock keeper. Each participant has ten seconds to unwrap the clingy package, keeping each prize that comes during their time slot. It must be unraveled with no tearing allowed. Keep an item or two to the side in the rare event of someone not hitting a sweet spot. In this one activity, you’ll save money, provide entertainment and have a blast passing out the gifts!

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