How to Properly Load the Dishwasher to Save Time and Money

Blog | September 13th, 2024

Loading a dishwasher seems like a straightforward task, but doing it the right way can save both time and money while ensuring your dishes come out sparkling clean. A properly loaded dishwasher can maximize energy efficiency, minimize water usage, and even reduce the amount of dishwashing detergent needed. In this guide, we’ll break down the key steps to load your dishwasher effectively while explaining how each step can lead to savings.

Prepping Dishes: Less Is More

It’s a common misconception that dishes need to be completely rinsed before going into the dishwasher. Modern dishwashers are designed to handle food residue effectively. Instead of wasting time and water scrubbing plates and bowls, all you need to do is scrape off any large chunks of food into the trash or compost.

By allowing the dishwasher to do its job, you’re not only saving water but also allowing the detergent to work more efficiently. Detergents are formulated to cling to food particles, so if your dishes are spotless before they go in, the detergent doesn’t have anything to break down, leading to waste.

Strategic Placement of Dishes

The placement of your dishes is crucial for optimal cleaning and reducing detergent usage. Here’s how to organize items properly:

  • Top Rack: Place cups, glasses, and smaller items here. Avoid overcrowding to allow water and detergent to reach every surface.
  • Bottom Rack: Larger items like plates, bowls, and pots go on the bottom rack. Ensure they are slightly angled toward the center so that water can reach all areas. Place items like cutting boards and baking sheets along the sides of the rack to avoid blocking the water spray.
  • Silverware Basket: Alternate the placement of silverware (spoons facing up, forks down, etc.) to prevent nesting, ensuring water can reach each piece.

Overcrowding the dishwasher reduces water circulation, which may result in rewashing items and using more water, detergent, and energy.

Use the Right Cycle

Many people default to using the “normal” cycle, but your dishwasher likely has various settings that can save energy and reduce detergent use. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Normal: Great for everyday loads.
  • Eco: Designed to use less water and energy, although it may take longer.
  • Heavy Duty: Ideal for pots, pans, and heavily soiled dishes. 
  • Quick Wash: A faster cycle for lightly soiled dishes.
  • Pre-Wash: If you scrape off large food pieces and organize your dishes properly, the pre-wash cycle isn’t necessary. Skipping this step can save water, energy, and time.

Choosing the correct cycle for your load prevents overuse of water and detergent. For lightly soiled dishes, the quick wash cycle can further reduce water and energy consumption.

Don’t Overuse Detergent

One of the most common mistakes when loading a dishwasher is using too much detergent. More detergent doesn’t mean cleaner dishes; in fact, excess detergent can leave residue, requiring re-washing.

Follow the guidelines on your detergent packaging, and consider using less if you have a newer dishwasher, as these machines are more efficient. Using the right amount of detergent prevents wastage and ensures optimal cleaning.

Maximize Each Load

Running a half-empty dishwasher wastes water, energy, and detergent. To optimize efficiency, make sure each load is full, but not overcrowded, before running the machine. This reduces the number of cycles you need to run per week, saving on electricity, water, and detergent.

Proper Loading and Savings

Proper loading of the dishwasher ensures that the detergent can reach every surface of your dishes. Stacking or overcrowding dishes prevents detergent and water from circulating effectively, leading to poorly cleaned dishes and the need for more detergent in future cycles.

By prepping dishes minimally, organizing them strategically, choosing the right cycle, and avoiding detergent overuse, you can maximize the efficiency of your dishwasher. These small adjustments not only ensure that your dishes come out clean but also help reduce water and energy usage. Over time, these simple changes can lower your utility bills and extend the life of both your detergent and your dishwasher.

In short, loading a dishwasher properly is an easy habit that saves time, reduces bills, and minimizes detergent waste — a win-win for both your household and the environment.

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