Ten Inexpensive Projects to Make with the Kids for the Fourth of July

Blog | June 20th, 2023


Celebrations can be big without being expensive. Step back into the mind of a child and remember the things that brought bright eyed excitement while still being simple. Today, we often find ourselves in a world of expensive electronics and over the top toys that bring only temporary satisfaction.That mentality needs to change and we are the ones to do it! Why not start this Fourth of July holiday by adding a scenario for your kids that sparkles while spending quality time together and doing it on a budget? Here are some inexpensive projects to get those wheels turning while bringing back true joy that doesn’t cost a fortune!

Flags First

Get in the spirit of the celebration by turning a T-shirt into something festive. Simply paint your design with fabric paint and let it dry. Start with a personal touch of  a blue handprint in the top left corner then add red stripes.That star spangled banner will continue to wave throughout your holiday!

Star Spangled Fashion

The shirt above has it all, except for the stars. Having an extra fashion statement handy is always a safe choice and this one will add those bright stars to go with the broad stripes.The simple directions are here. Using metallic paint will make your creation and your celebration shine!

A Star Studded Welcome

Welcome the day of celebration,along with family and guests,with a mat that can be used all summer. Find a low cost door mat or use one you already have. Cut out or purchase star shaped stencils. With acrylic craft paint in the appropriate colors, put your talents to work and let them dry before the big day. Then boom!.. you have one of these!

Easy Peasy Firecracker

Every patriotic holiday needs a burst of color and this DIY firecracker will definitely deliver as the perfect decor. Before adding the finishing touches, fill them with treats and crack them open to end your day with a bang!

Patriotic Popsicles

You or your kids will likely remember the red, white and blue bomb pop popsicles as a special treat on the 4th. You can still serve the icy cold version while creating a matching garland or backdrop to keep summer special all season! Here’s how.

Ribbon Wand Flags

If you prefer a flag that isn’t fashion, these gallantly streaming ribbons come together to make the statement clear and the decor fabulous! They are simple to make and are perfect to take to the parade then bring home for more celebrating!

Little Liberty Hat

Your little ones will love creating, then wearing, their own version of the Statue of Liberty. They can wear it proudly at the party that celebrates their country’s birthday and learn a bit about its meaning! The directions are here.

Plastic Cup Twirlers

With gatherings, picnics and summer parties, there will be plastic cups. Buy in bulk to save some cash and turn a few into swirly, twirly decor. All you need is the cups, some ribbon, a hole puncher, scissors and a kid/adult combo for safe crafting! Click here for the directions.

Five Minute Decor for the Fourth

Whether you’re running behind or just plain busy, this patriotic decor is picture perfect and can be put together in a flash using that collection of vases stashed in the garage, under the sink or in the basement. With those, with a little help from The Dollar Tree, you’ll have a cozy ambience that will last long after the grand finale of fireworks!

Dress up the Dessert

End your holiday with an edible craft that is so easy the kids could do it alone. It will melt their hearts when they hear all the “oohs and ahhs” over their sensational creations. Simply insert a popsicle stick securely into the short end of an ice cream sandwich, roll the ice cream sides in patriotic colored sprinkles and there you have it! If you want a picture and tutorial…here you have it!

Related: 17 Free Activities To Keep Your Kids Busy Inside