What Experts Say You Should Do with Your Tax Return

Blog | April 13th, 2022


If you make a considerable amount of income every year, you are expected to file tax returns with the federal government. The primary aim of filing a tax return is to disclose to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) how much money you earned in the previous year. 

The fundamental level of income that expects you to file state or federal tax returns differs. For instance, unmarried individuals below 65 years must file tax returns if they earned $12,550 or more during 2021. Additionally, married and filing jointly are required to file taxes if they make at least $25,100 in the year.  

After filing your tax returns, you will know whether you have tax accruals or if the government owes you money due to an overpayment. In some scenarios, you might pay excess taxes during the year. In such circumstances, you are due a refund. Federal or state governments will refund the money withheld from every paycheck or overpaid from the estimated taxes. 

What is A Tax Return? 

A tax refund is compensation to a taxpayer after overpaying taxes to the federal or state government. You may also get a refund if you are eligible for a refundable tax credit, including Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), premium tax credit (PTC), or Child Tax Credit (CTC). 

So, when can you expect to receive your tax return? Well, you can receive your refund as soon as you file an annual tax return. This documentation filed with the IRS indicates the amount you earned, expenses, and other crucial tax information. 

Once the government receives your tax report, it formally ratifies you for a refund prior to sending off your money. Tax refund processing differs based on the way you file your taxes. Refunds for tax returns filed electronically usually arrive less than three weeks after the tax authority gets your information. Those filed manually can be sent out between six and eight weeks. 

While an overwhelming majority of taxpayers perceive the refund as a bonus or free money, it’s more like a loan you made to the tax authority with zero interest. Therefore, you need to know how to spend it effectively. Below are some of the things to do with your tax return:

Grow Your Emergency Fund 

An emergency fund is a vital financial tool that can assist you in the event of an unforeseen financial emergency. When an unanticipated cost pops up, a lack of emergency funds will force you to look for external funding such as loans. You can use all the tax refund money for your emergency fund or a portion of it. However, if you participate in an emergency fund, the remaining balance should be adequately distributed to attain essential goals. 


There is no specific way to start investing. You can use the refund to buy an EFT or index fund as they involve minimal risk. These are long-term investments that will ultimately yield high returns. You can also invest in higher-risk projects, such as investing directly into the stock market via a brokerage. 

Reduce Your Debts 

Regardless of the type of debt, such as credit cards, student loans, and others, living with debt can be daunting. While your tax refund may not be sufficient to clear all your debts, minimizing the balances with a chunk of your refund is vital. You can plan to pay those loans with high –interest rates. 

Grow Your Income 

Plan to pursue an additional certification that can assist you in advance at work, be a more suitable candidate for a new job, or develop a side hustle. 

Contribute to Your Retirement 

Setting money aside for retirement is vital for a viable financial plan. Although it may not be the most exciting way to enjoy your money now, part of your tax refund should be used to cater to retirement plans. 


Bottom Line 

Getting a tax refund is thrilling, and in most cases, it seems like a gift. However, you can avoid these refunds by filing your taxes with greater accuracy. To prevent these refunds, it is better to have the right amount withheld from your income. In return, you can put that money towards attaining your goals every paycheck.