12 Bonus Daylight Savings Reminders You May Have Forgotten!

Blog | March 3rd, 2022


Can you believe daylight savings time is almost upon us? While some like it and some don’t, this is a day that can give us more daylight to accomplish many impending tasks! Instead of looking at it as something else to do, think of it as more opportunity to do things! When daylight savings arrives, look at the bright side of having more time to see how to accomplish and enjoy!

When Time Springs Forward 

While some clocks change automatically such as computers, phones, and other smart technology, there are several we must remember to do ourselves. The manual musts are wristwatches, car clocks, alarm clocks, microwaves, and oven clocks. Go ahead and turn back the hands of time before you go to bed and you can wake up without the confusion of what time it really is. We do forfeit that hour in the spring so sneak those drab jobs in prior to “the day“. You can then pack quality into quantity even when missing an hour! Now that everybody really knows what time it is we can move on to 12 bonus reminders and things to accomplish that you may not have thought about:

Smoke Detectors

One well-known yet important task is changing the batteries in your smoke detectors. The days of springing forward and falling backward are the perfect times to remember this key event for all year safety!

Doctor Appointments

We all want to put off doctor visits but prevention truly is key to staying healthy! Plus, the earlier in the year you take care of medical issues, the sooner you’ll reach your deductible!

Car Maintenance

Keeping your vehicle up can save tons of money through prevention. It keeps unwelcome surprises at bay and your transportation will be road-trip-ready for summer vacations.

Pet Check-Ups

When spring arrives, flea and tick season is soon to follow. This is the perfect time to take your pet for a head-to-tail check-up, get up-to-date on shots and prepare to ward off the pesky pests before they have a chance to invade and make your companion miserable!

Home Bug Treatments

When the snow melts the bugs come out in full force. Have your house thoroughly checked and treated before the army assembles and takes over your home.

Dental Cleaning

Dental checkups and cleanings should be done every six months. Daylight savings and the changing of the clocks happen every six months. Do you see where we’re going with this? Schedule those appointments today and spring forward with a bright smile!

It’s Time for Expired Items to Go

Holiday foods, last year‘s harvest, and expired medications can easily get buried in deep freezers, pantries, and drawers. There’s no better time to toss the old than when new seeds turn into a fresh garden bounty and when you’ve scheduled those doctor visits!

Donate or Have a Yard Sale

Time flies and kids grow fast, as do adults sometimes. While time is on your side, plan a yard sale! Another option is to donate. Either way, clear out the old and make room for the new. Seasons change and styles do too!

Clean the Fall and Winter Remnants in Gutters, Fireplaces, Chimneys, and Fire Pits

Falling leaves and cozy fires leave their mark behind. Though the seasonal gifts are beautiful and filled with joy, cleanup is always a necessity. Get the job done before rainy days set in. Your outdoor spaces will be springtime fresh, ready for s’mores and barbecues as well as the return of crisp weather activities that will be here before you know it!

Clean and Inspect Water Toys

Soon more sun and longer days, beaches, lakes, and pools will be at their peak. While you’re looking at the clock, you’ll see that time is short, so get those boats, floats, outdoor furniture, lifejackets, and other water necessities ready to roll!

Check Window Sills, Insulation, and Airconditioning Units

Spring is followed by rain showers and intense heat. Be sure the rain stays out and the cool stays in by having all of the above thoroughly checked while the temperatures are still bearable.

Reverse Your Ceiling Fans

Yes, it’s true! Your ceiling fan helps keep you warm and cool. The ceiling fan direction should be turning counterclockwise in the summer to help create a downdraft for a direct, cooling breeze. The fan direction in winter needs to be clockwise to create an updraft to circulate warm air in your home. When changing your clocks, change your fans, too!

Related: 22 Amazon Products You Need to Complete Your Spring Cleaning Checklist