Ten Inexpensive Ways to Give Thanks

Blog | November 9th, 2021

Without struggles, we wouldn’t understand peace. Unfortunately, the last year and a half has brought more than anyone’s fair share of grief-filled awareness. With all these lessons learned, this Thanksgiving season should be a time filled with true thankfulness for those we love, all we have, and everything we celebrate. As we prepare to gather, let’s also think about all the ways we can give! Considering the turns life has taken, also keep in mind giving doesn’t have to break the bank. You never know when a simple thought can heal a broken heart! Here are ten ways to spread healing, joy, and love with inexpensive ways to give thanks and share it with those around us!

Thank Your Mail Carrier

Package and mail delivery has struggled but the faithful drivers never stopped their journey! Thank them with a welcoming snack left on your porch. Create a display of bottled waters, sodas, and individual snacks with a sign clearly stating who it’s for and why…UPS, FedEx, and USPS carriers with your heartfelt thanks for all they do!

Bake a Pie for your Neighbor

Bake a pumpkin pie and include a bag of top-notch organic coffee for friends or neighbors to pass around. You’ll give them a Currier and Ives time together and a memory they will always cherish!

Shovel Walkways

If you live in a snowy area, chances are that there are elderly, disabled, or others with limits residing there, too. Take the time to search for and help those in need by shoveling their driveway or a path to the mailbox. The result will spread smiles and very possibly prevent an injury!

Dog Sit for a Friend

Often getting away is difficult for the simplest of reasons. If this is the case for someone who knows and trusts you, offer to dog sit to allow a much-needed weekend away, dinner out, or a day to go Christmas shopping. You can snuggle with a furry sweetheart while giving an immeasurable gift to someone who simply needs a break. Plus, there will be no financial cost to this act of kindness!

Share your Chopped Firewood

Whatever the reason, chopping wood is no easy task! With cold months ahead, the gift of warmth is something to truly be thankful for! Whether purchasing a couple of bags of wood or sharing from your own stash, give the immeasurable gift of a few cozy fires for the holidays!

Help a Healthcare Worker

If you know a health care worker you have much to be thankful for! Often their twelve-hour shifts are overnight making day sleeping a must. With falling leaves everywhere, surprise them when they see daylight with a leaf blown or raked yard to allow them a  beautiful, restful “day off view”!

Help Someone Feeling the Winter Blues

Add some holiday joy for someone who is down and may not decorate this year. Maybe they recently lost a loved one or job and are feeling too low to celebrate. A new tradition can bring new life and new outlooks. Chop down a real tabletop Christmas tree to deliver fresh hope and uplifting holiday scents to their season.

Help Out with the Simple Tasks

Do you have a talent or expertise that is simple for you but may lift a huge burden for others? Consider moving photos from a cell phone to another storage option to free up phone space for holiday picture taking. Help someone choose their insurance option. Fix a leaky faucet. Offer a ride to the grocery store. The options are endless. The gift could be nothing in your eyes while being a true relief and blessing to someone who simply doesn’t “know-how”!

Compliment People Throughout Your Day

Words are powerful yet easily given. Use that power to compliment a server, teacher, child, or anyone who goes the extra mile in helping or kindness. Your positive feedback is free and could result in a life-changing raise, reward, or boost of confidence that could make a lifelong difference in someone’s future!

Write a Handwritten Letter

For the last but never least act of thankful giving, lay down the electronics and give of yourself. Write a real, handwritten note or letter to touch someone’s heart. Don’t hold back as you tell others what they mean to you. Be specific in your remembrances of them. If you can, include a small amount in a gift card for lunch at their favorite place or a gift from their favorite store. Just be certain it shows that you are aware of what they love. This will be a sure way to connect hearts while showing you care enough to notice!

Never take anything or anyone for granted. Make this season a time to be truly thankful, share it, and show it! Happy Thanksgiving!
Related: 51 FREE Things You Can Do This Fall 2021!