
Keep up to date with the latest tips and tricks on how to maximize savings!

May 10th, 2022
Side Hustle Spotlight: Lifeguard

Sometimes, a full-time job cannot give you all the experience, emotional satisfaction, and happiness you may be looking for. What about trying something fun and fulfilling like being a lifeguard?

Find out if this job is right for you!

May 5th, 2022
Side Hustle Spotlight: Camp Counselor

A side hustle as a camp counselor - even for a season - can get you extra income while giving you the emotional satisfaction that your full-time work may not be ...

May 4th, 2022
7 Benefits Of Signing Up To Our Email Program

The Savvy Sampler is an exciting place to be if you want to win prizes and save money! Don't we all? Our emails will give you tips on entering sweepstakes, amazi...

May 2nd, 2022
Tips for Getting Tricky Stains Out of Clothing

We spend time and money on our homes, furniture and clothing - we don't want stains to wreck our stuff permanently! Luckily, there are some easy and effective wa...

April 22nd, 2022
5 Ways That April Showers Can Save You BIG!

We’ve heard the age-old saying, "April showers bring May flowers." While that’s true, those showers have many other uses beyond pretty plants. We can use that extra water to save money and the planet. 

Click here for uses for rainwater and ways to conserve.

April 19th, 2022
Every Senior Citizen Free Offer and Discount You Can Claim in 2022

Living solely on a fixed income can be difficult for seniors. But there are free offers and discounts on things from food to travel designed especially for thi...

April 13th, 2022
What Experts Say You Should Do with Your Tax Return

A tax return can feel like a gift - even though it's our own money coming back to us. It may be tempting to buy ourselves something special or blow it all on a v...

April 8th, 2022
9 Unique Ways To Decorate Your Easter Eggs This Year

Decorating Easter eggs is a tradition many families enjoy. The colorful eggs can be simply dyed but there are other creative ways to enhance your egg-travaganza....

April 4th, 2022
Gas Prices Are Skyrocketing, Here’s How You Can Save!

Everyone is feeling the pain at the pump and figuring out how to budget for fuel. But there are a few key ways you can save yourself money amid skyrocketing gas ...

April 4th, 2022
7 Of The Best Easter Traditions Your Family Can Incorporate This Year!

Easter - as with any holiday - comes with lots of traditions. Some are passed from generation to generation but you may also want to make memories of your own st...

March 30th, 2022
10 Affordable Small Towns Everyone Must Visit

When you plan a vacation you may be inclined to pick a popular destination like New York City or San Diego. But lesser-known small towns can offer a great getaway and an affordable price tag. 

Read on for places you must visit to believe.

March 25th, 2022
The Top 20 Tax Deductions You Could Be Overlooking

Taxes aren't fun but most of us have to file them. Researching deductions might seem like a chore but it can pay off. We've given you a headstart with these common ones you may miss.

Click here to get what you're owed!
